

I have a bad habit of starting projects and not actually finishing them, which means I have many UFO’s lying around ! I think I have 6 at the minute and one cardigan I must of finished about 7 years ago still to sew together,! I’m trying to discipline myself to at least finish my crochet shawl by intheyarngarden who you can find on Instagram. I’ve told myself when this is finished I can start my dog walking hat. Slightly worried that Summer will be upon us again before I make my hat.

Halloween is fast approaching, Yipeeeeee love Halloween πŸŽƒ we usually dress up and do the rounds of the houses in our village that are happy to participate and then have a party. And I’m off work that day and on a late the next too, Bonus πŸ‘  note to self don’t repeat Halloween of drinking way too much, vomiting chilli over kitchen floor and waking up in one of the kids beds still in my witches outfit stinking of sick with my eyes glued together from very tacky pink false eyelashes 🀣

Been for an X-ray tonight to see what’s wrong with my back. Since my hysterectomy in April it’s not been right. I’m a tad tired of being called glass back and having to survive on ibuprofen with the odd tramadol thrown in now and again.  My weights finally coming off though 10lbs down now. 🀸🏻‍♀️ Wore my jeans twice this week and although very snug I can fasten them. Really chuffed 4 months ago they wouldn’t go past my hips.

So here’s some pics of my shawl in progress. Check out @intheyarngarden on IG she has some lovely design .  πŸ’•

My selection of WIP

Ella always has to get in on the act 

In the waiting room at the Hospital with my Mom 

Another animal sharing the limelight