
Neapolitan Ripple Blanket

Ripple Blanket

Currently working on my Ripple Blanket from attic24 designs. I’m hoping to make it fit a king size bed and to add Pom poms.  It’s currently the width of a single bed.  I’m getting there slowly it’s very thereapeutic.  It’s lovely to repeat the same stitch over and over and to watch it grow. I didn’t think I’d enjoy crochet so much.  But it puts less strain on my hands and helps me relax.  If I make a mistake I can just undo it and there’s only 1 stitch to pick up. ❤️

In between crochet and my job I find time to walk the spots of course. 🐾


Me and the hubster 🙃

Justin 💕

Lovely walks around Bramshall.

Neapolitan colours 

My ripple blanket so far ... the picture doesn't really show that my cast on chain was far too tight so its made the tension on the edge too tight.  The cast on edge is smaller in width than the rest of the blanket !! Yikes !! certainly learning by my mistakes.  All is not lost though I've managed to undo the edge and I'm in the process of doing a chain edge and it looks great.  I certainly didn't want to undo it all and although I realised the edge was tight I didn't realise it was making it out of shape.  Far happier with it now.