
Long time coming

 Goodness its been ages since I came on here, I started to read my last post to see where I was up to in my life so I could kind of fill you guys in (thats if your even interested !) and there’s just too much life stuff and crafting stuff I got overwhelmed.

So I think I will just have a natter, apologies if its disjointed, my instagram is always up to date if you are really bored and want a catch up. 😊

I am nearing the end of my Nursing studies, lots of tears, tantrums, joy, heartache, bad placements, good placements, new friendships, fallouts and lots of stress, but here I am, limping towards the finish line. 👩🏻‍⚕️ 

I have a job secured in the Community, not sure if I am making the right decision tbh but when I had the interview I thought yes I want this job, and I was so excited to be accepted, I just tend to overthink things and the 7 months between interview and start date is a lot of time to think! I also haven’t had a true community placement yet either, I have worked as a healthcare out in the community for quite a long time so I have an idea but I don’t know the job role yet. Hey ho lets see where I go with that one shall we ? 

Crafting wise, I’ve jumped from knitting to crochet, back to knitting and know I am on a sewing kick. As you may know I have made mohair bears for a long long time, they are my long time passion and yet funnily enough I don’t tend to make that many.  I have a flurry and make a few and then don’t make any for ages.  I do tend to do that with most of my crafts though so its probably just me. I don’t actually have many bears left here at home, I seem to have had an increase in sales of them, no idea why, and with my course and my scatty interests I just haven’t had time to keep them well stocked.  Here are a few of my latest, some are still waiting for homes and others have flown the nest, one actually went to Canada 🍁