
About me

šŸ’• I’m not crocheting. I’m knotting With Style šŸ’•

Hi my names Annette thanks for checking out my blog šŸ˜˜

I love to crochet, I used to crochet as a child making endless tiny lace table mats, I tried crocheting clothes but they always ended up the size to fit an elephant so I kind of lost my enthusiasm for crochet, my Mom only needed so many lace tablecloths. I always used to knit too, knitting clothes for my dolls, Teenie Tiny Tears, Pippa Dolls, and Sindy. Good old Sindy,  Barbie wasn't about then, it was Sindy with her horsey thighs and good wholesome full boobs, big head and thick thick hair. I still have them up the loft :) anyway moving on  ….. For years I have knit, I used to take my knitting everywhere, in those days people used to look at me like I was some kind of oddity. and to my friends, I was a source of fond amusement. Especially when I was sat at the Fun Centre where I spent many hours watching my daughter, and on one occasion a small child ran past and got tangled up in my wool but didn't notice and ran into the ball pit with my yarn wrapped around her ankle closely followed by my knitting!   These days it seems to be more acceptable to see people in public knitting, its certainly becoming more popular.

In 2018 I had a hysterectomy and I can't tell you how bored I got having to rest constantly. one day I was perusing Pinterest and stumbled on a crochet bag pattern, I fancied giving it a go, so I ordered new hooks and needles and although my crochet skills were very rusty I soon got the hang of it and made a lovely bag.  Now my knitting needles are gathering dust. Crochet has taken over, and you can now see me in public with crochet in my hand.

I've also dabbled in quilting, and I can sew quite well, I had a Bridal Studio where I made bespoke wedding gowns.  in 1993 I made my first Collectable Mohair Teddy Bear and that was my hobby/sideline for quite a few years, I used to attend specialised bear fairs around the country and drag my Mom with me to sell my Bears. I have very recently started making bears again.  My crochet hook is feeling very left out, but there are only so many hours in the day. 

I love reading, again as a child I was always reading, people say to me I don't know how you find the time, and I would agree, I really have no idea, but I manage to squeeze it in.

I've recently started designing crochet patterns and I published my first pattern last year. I seem to have an obsession with crochet blankets, mainly granny square blankets. And also hats and shawls.

I have four children  (3 boys and 1 girl), a gorgeous hubby,  two spotty dalmatians and a German Wirehaired Pointer. I also have a large Male Main Coon Cat called Roary, and a grey cat called Smudge, who gets in on a lot of my photos.  I used to own a horse but children took over and I had a fall in 2014 which broke the bottom of my spine and after my hysterectomy, in April 2018 my poor old battered back has really decided it doesn't want to play anymore and it tells me daily that it prefers a quieter life. I'm too old to bounce now if I hit the ground. So I'm a retired horse rider.

I would like to retire and live by the sea, but as I'm not near retirement age yet and the government seems determined to work us until we are old and decrepit, then I decided to do something I have wanted to do for a long long long time.  I am a Student Nurse and loving it. I'm a mature student ...ahem ... but hey the next few years will pass anyway so why not fill them with something I've wanted to do forever. 

So I’ll leave you with this tiny snippet about me. I hope you like my blog and thank you for visiting.❤️

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