
Life is too bloody short.

I think I’ve come to a stage in my life where its hit me that life is so bloody short.  I mean it’s a fact everybody knows. We all say it from time to time, but do we actually sit back and think shit! Actually yes! It is so short! It’s scary!

It may be the fact I’ve hit my 50’s, I’m lucky really in that, although I had my hysterectomy last year and for a while felt pretty decrepit because it kick started arthritis , I’ve now got it under control with appropriate medication so generally I’m fit and well. But I do have the harsh realisation when I look in a mirror or see photographs of myself that I’m cracking on. 

I also lost a dear friend recently to cancer.  They say It’s losing a battle when people die of cancer but I don’t think it’s a battle because its never a very fair fight. It certainly wasn’t in her case she didn’t stand a chance to fight it.  I only knew her for a short time, but we became very fast firm friends and her death shook me. I’m sat typing this with a tingling nose and blurry eyes trying not to cry.  And at times I’m not ashamed to admit I’ve stood and sobbed. But hey life goes on so they say (I’m doing a lot of so they say aren’t I?).  Yep life goes on and she’s bloody missed!

I left my position in forensics within the NHS in December 2018 because I felt knocked about by my hysterectomy and wasn’t really enjoying mental health nursing and didn’t really feel fit enough to cope with the physical aspect of the environment, I was working in.  I wanted to care for people who were physically ill, I'm not undermining mental illness at all, in fact I struggle with certain aspects myself, but I needed a change I was so unsettled. So, I went to work at Douglas Macmillan Hospice, palliative care, to say it was an eye opener is an understatement.   I’ve learnt loads and loved every minute, but I’ve found myself questioning what I’m doing in life. And faced with the stark realisation of death every day has given me a new perspective.

I think these things combined, plus the stress I have going on in the background (another story) in my life has made me sit back and readdress where I’m going.  

So, I quit my job.  Just like that! Well in reality, it wasn’t quite like that it was over many sleepless nights and conversations with friends and family deliberating what I should do. And actually, the advice I got off most people was not to quit, I think they thought I was quite mad lol.  My dear husband just said to me Nett do what makes you happy, as long as you don’t get us in a financial mess then its ok.  So, I did it.  I’ve never really liked working for other people I prefer to be my own boss. I’m trained as a Foot Health Practitioner and ran my own business but due to circumstances (another story) I kind of let it fall by the wayside and went full time.  Now I’m building it back up and, in the meantime, I pick up shifts at the Hospice and at the Hospital. I stayed on the bank staff at both, so I bounce between the two.  It’s a great balance of general and mental health nursing and I’m happy. I can pick and choose my hours and days I work, when I'm feeling nackered from physical and personal care I can switch to the hospital where I come back mentally exhausted lol.  No stresses and feeling disheartened by the rota. And best of all we can go away in our Motorhome.  We moved to a new house in April something I’ve been wanting to do for a long long long long time.  We downsized because again we kind of readdressed our life’s and thought why are we living in a 5 bedroomed detached house paying bills but actually we have no life? This wasn’t the only reason I was desperately unhappy there and wanted to move but eventually Steve came round to the idea and he actually agrees with me now. We’ve moved to a 3 bed semi in town, which is also strange for me I’ve never lived in a town. There’s a shop round the corner ! what’s that all about? Such a strange concept for me and a little bit too handy for the odd bottle of wine when I fancy one. The kids can walk to school! my daughters 17 she’s never walked to school. My Sons 12 and he hasn’t either.  The first morning his friend called from him and I watched him walking off in his school blazer was a very strange feeling but its all good. No more ferrying them up and down that bloody Bramshall Road.  I’ve been back to our old house and she’s got it lovely.  All posh furniture and lovely bits and bobs, she’s actually got my taste. They’ve took all the doors out downstairs and its open plan and it looks huge! Did I have any regrets? Because if I’m honest it looked way better than when we had it, we never had any money to do anything with it. No, I didn’t, not one regret, I love it here.  All 4 of us have squeezed in nicely.  The worst part I think was getting rid of all our stuff.  The loft alone had 17 years of crap jammed in it! It took me 3 days to empty it and even longer to sort it all and box up stuff to keep and get rid of the rest.  The stuff we had to get rid of was crazy! I did have a bit of regret that I couldn’t do a car boot because I think I’d of made a fortune. But there just wasn’t the time and it was the wrong time of year. So, the charity shops did quite well out of us in March.  My lovely piano had to go I was gutted I will admit. I painted it white and yes it wasn’t a brilliant paint job it was out of tune and I hardly played it.  Steve used to tease me and say it was a fantastic photo shelf because it had all my wedding photos on it in white frames. And that, if I’m honest, was its only use. But oh, how I loved that piano. I found someone who wanted it and the night before we moved because we had hired a van for our move, Steve and his son had to heave it out of the house and delivery it to a lovely lady and her daughter it weighed a ton and the house it went to had a very steep drive he’s still telling that story now to anyone who will listen 😊  so its gone to a good home and that was my first lesson in learning to think its only stuff, let it go.  I keep thinking right, I’m valuable, my family are valuable they are all that matter. Just let it go…. I have another story that I may share at some point and will probably touch on from time to time, my middle son doesn’t live with us he’s 16.  I find it very difficult. Which is probably another reason why I’m starting to re-evaluate my life and cherish what’s left and who’s in it. But for now, I’m not going to write about that again its another story.  I have lots of other stories lol.  My good friend Corrinne has always told me I should write a book. Maybe this is the start.

So, getting back to it we moved. I found out that we still had way too much stuff! We hired a removal van and two men, we had two trailers, three cars and two nights before moving day we looked at all the boxes and thought shit! This is a lot of boxes so Steve got on the phone and hired another van.  Thank goodness we did! With 2 men Steve, Harry, Me, and Steve’s Mom Margaret packing and cleaning each room as we went, we did it. At 10am they rang us and said they were ready! At which point we were nowhere near, and I was stuck in the kitchen couldn’t get out because our huge fridge wouldn’t go out through the doors Steve and Harry had to take the doors off! But at 12.02 I was sailing down that Bramshall road on my way to a new future with a car packed to the hilt and a 5ft wooden giraffe wedged in the front of my car.  We’ve had to have quite a few more visits to the local tip and the charity shop since because we clearly hadn’t got rid of enough but its ok its only stuff. And I have staunchly held on to every ball of wool with a slight bit of grumpiness off Steve now and again.  Hey, I’m learning new lessons but its wool after all! Wool is important right? I need wool in my life.

So, getting back to it, because I feel I’m rambling.  Life.  Its short.  I’m changing.  I now want to spend time with my family, as much time as I can. I want as many trips as I can in my camper. I want to crochet and crochet and crochet as much as I possibly can and hope that arthritis doesn’t set into my hands.  I want to spend time walking my dogs that has always been an important part of my life, so I want more of that.  I now have a garden.  I’ve had a garden before, but my first husband was quite anal about it, every blade of grass had to point in the same direction and as I have no clue about gardening, I was never allowed to touch it.  My second husband was never there it wasn’t a home, so I had no interest in the garden and allowed him to slab it over, and occasionally I would  throw myself into pots with roses in them because I’ve always love roses. So now I have a garden and a husband who lets me do what I want. (Yes 3 husbands! Trust me that was never in my plans but 3rd time lucky and another story lol)  He has made noises about straightening the borders so its looks all neat and tidy because it’s a bit of a cottage garden but I think the look on my face stopped him right there. I do not want neat. Been there once with every plant standing to attention and the borders done with a spirit level. He’s also said I need to stop and think about where I put things because I’ve gone a bit mad and ripped things out, which I have no clue what they are, and I’ve planted things I now realise are not in the right place but again one of my looks has shut him up, I will learn from my mistakes and nothing will be neat or planned its just going to grow and look pretty and he will love it or else (good job he's easy going and very tolerant of me) 😊

I’m going to stop there, I think.  I started this blog forever ago and I’ve tentatively had a go at blogging now and again but its never sounded right and I’ve always wanted to pour my heart out but it ended up sounding depressing and maudlin, I don't think I was in the right place in my head at the time. I'm kind of ready now. So, I’ve spent far too much time thinking about it. I’ve had a blog with hardly anything in it. From now on I’m just going to type and not overthink it, and try not to be depressing lol.

Hope you’ve enjoyed reading and I haven’t bored you too much. xxxxxx
A selection of photos if your not asleep by now x
We went to a wedding this weekend amazing time I danced all night literally, poor Steve had to stay sober and drag me off the dance floor at gone midnight because he had to be up for work for a 14 hour shift.   I'm such a bad wife lol.
                                      Me and David I think I was still sober at this point.  AND a very rare                          occasion where David was actually willing to have a photo with me !! Seriously this is a                                                                                 BIG moment!

                      Yep still sober. decided I HATE this dress !! what was I thinking when I brought it !!!
                                                                          Besties xx
                                                        Handsome fella, who is he ??
                                     Oh yes the champers went down a treat :)  (Davids face )
                                                              Good friends x memories x 

Taught my Mom to crochet this year x 

 My Boys 

Me and Mom being silly x

 Roary Cat and the Spots 

It was Mom's 80th Saturday 15th June we had a bit of a shindig and got a picture of us all together 

My lovely Roses 

One of My favourite photos x

 Minnie our new investment. 
New beginnings 
Why we called her Minnie ……. I was ordering stickers for my car to advertise my business and I had the idea that I would like to name our new motorhome. I rang Steve and ran it by him and of course he wasn't impressed lol. hes slightly more conservative than me.  Anyways I ran a few names by him and then as it was late (he was on nights, I was in bed) I gave up.  Next day at work I got a text.  He had found a note in the camper with the documents it said .. " look after Minnie, we hope you enjoy her as much as we have "   OMG how spooky! So Minnie it is :) 

 Just chucked this picture in because I can.  I think its a cool look :)


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